SPRING IS IN THE AIR ... (or we are wishing it to happen)

I know, it’s still February and in most parts of the world icy wind is blowing, snow is piling up at the door or rain, sleet and gray skies greet us every morning. Our one ray of February sunshine, Valentine’s Day, has come and gone and now all we can do is hunker down and wait for spring. So we at MacTweets have decided that the very best way to get through the rest of winter, to carry us along on a wave of optimism is to think Springlike thoughts, thoughts of warm breezes and sunshine, running barefoot through the grass or squishing our toes in warm sand as waves splash up around our ankles.
... Flowers blooming, their heady fragrance making our head spin, crocus and daffodils pushing their dainty heads up through the dark, damp dirt, window boxes filling up with colorful geraniums and gardenias stretching their petals in the warm sun, parks inviting us for a flower-strewn stroll and tiny buds sprouting on tree limbs then bursting into bloom. Ahhhh. Close your eyes and breath deeply, listen to the birds chirping and the bees buzzing, bury your nose in an armful of flowers and wash the winter blues away.
This month’s Mac Attack theme is:
SPRING FLING : Baking Your Favorite Springtime Flowers
Let your favorite flowers influence you in the kitchen as you sift sugar and nuts and fold in meringue. The colors, the flavors, the shapes, just close your eyes and let your imagination roll into Spring time and think of your kitchen as a magic garden with macarons blooming, bursting forth into a bouquet of flowers.
Now, go forth, MacPassionate friends, go forth and create!

Please have your Mac Attack Post up no later than March 10 '10.
Here are the rules of the game:
- Once you have posted your Mac Attack macarons on your blog, please make sure you leave a comment with a link here on this post.
- Please link back to this challenge on your post.
- Please feel free to use the Mac Tweets logo. It isn't mandatory but is a nice way to get the word out!
Round up will be on March 15, 2010.
And ATTENTION PLEASE!!! Do add Mactweets to your RSS feed or sign up for e-mail alerts. This way you will always be in the loop and know as soon as we add a new post, a tutorial or a round up. And, as always, spread the word! Thank you!!