Friday, July 16, 2010

"Mac Attack 9" - SING, SING A SONG …. The Round Up

"She was my ground, my favorite sound, my country road, my city street, my sky above, my only love, and the ground beneath my feet."
U2, The Million $ Hotel
Hola you wonderful mac passionate folk. Hope you are rocking with us. A 1000 apologies for this delayed round up. I know we should have got this out yesterday but the mac sistahs were both worked to the bone on their respective continents, racing against time to meet deadlines of the real world types. Jamie was packing her bags to fly off for a well deserved vacation to Florida...

 All her bags are packed, she's ready to go
Yes the dawn is breakin', it's early morn

The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already we're happy you're off to fly
Jamie's leaving on a jet plane

I know when she'll be back again
Oh, babe, we have to post the feet ...

... while Deeba was facing demolition men! Nothing as dramatic as it might sound, but her kitchen is in for a makeover and her life is everything but baking & blogging currently... {read heat and dust!}.
 Oh! demolition, demolition
Demolition, demolition
Tied to the tracks and the train’s fast coming
Strapped to the wing with the engine running
You say that this wasn’t in your plan
And don’t mess around with the demolition man

Shall not hold you singing to our haphazard music any longer! We're rocking and rolling this month with a fabulous turn out of talented mac bakers and singers. Take a look at  their genius creations, all inspired with music to rock your soul!
Rachel @ My Munchable Musings with Purple Summer Macarons
Sarah @ Maison Cupcake with Nut-Ella Fitzgerald Macs {Hazelnut Macs with Mascarpone & Nutella Filling}
Cathy @ Wives With Knives with Lemon Drop Macarons

Follow us and all the Mac Attack Buzz on Twitter


  1. They just keep getting better and better!!!

  2. Love all the Macs as usual. I love the colours when one open up the post and see. Didn't join in as it is summer holidays and I have not baked for more than 2 weeks. I guess i will join up in septemeber again.

  3. love all the colors, favors and inspiration...

  4. Awesome roundup, have a great holiday Jamie and good luck with the makeover Deeba :)

  5. Deeba you are a wonder, a gem and a riot! The songs are perfect! Sorry to Deeba and the rest of you that I didn`t put aside the time to help my Mac Sistah with the roundup but as Deeba said I have just arrived in Florida. This is a fantastic round up! So many bakers and amazing macs!!! Yay for everyone! I am thrilled at how this theme inspired! I`ll be posting the next theme shortly!

  6. Wow, these are all incredible-everyone is so creative and talented..Look out Laduree,here we come !

  7. What a great round-up! So sorry I missed it, but did post the attempt on my blog:) Looking forward to the next theme and making my debut on here next month:)

  8. Thanks, Deeba! You're awesome!

  9. OMG! look at all those amazing macs....Oh So Scrumptious! Lovely blog you have!


  10. Beautiful macarons! I can't wait for the next Mac Attack theme to be posted. I'm gonna join this time!

  11. What incredible macarons! Just a delight to see!
